Exclusive collections

Fields – the belt of heritage


Exclusive collections

Avena – the belt of simplicity


Exclusive collections

Gramina – the belt of harmony


Exclusive collections

Ryeva – the belt of strength


Exclusive collections

Ceres – the belt of grace


Exclusive collections

Tritica – the belt of harmony


Exclusive collections

Demetra – the belt of abundance


new collection

Fields of Time

A collection inspired by nature and its strength and beauty.
Each piece is hand woven, combining tradition with modern art. Inspired by the resilience of wheat fields and the strength of life’s seasons, this collection tells their stories.

Browse Collection


Esnaf is a celebration of craftsmanship, with weaving as our core. Each belt, bag, and accessory is meticulously handwoven using traditional techniques and inspired by Macedonia’s rich cultural heritage.

The intricate details—like the use of SRMA golden thread—represent hours of dedication, skill, and love for the craft. These techniques are not just methods but legacies passed down through generations, creating pieces that bridge tradition and modern design.

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Ние веруваме во моќта на времето и во вредноста на приказните што ги носиме. Секој производ од Еснаф е дизајниран да биде безвременски – парче што никогаш нема да излезе од мода и што ќе го чувате со години.

Веруваме дека модата не треба да биде брза или ефемерна, туку внимателна, значајна и трајна. Со секој ремен, чанта или накит, создаваме нешто повеќе од производ – наследство што ќе се пренесува низ генерации.

Дознај повеќе


From using leftover materials to rescuing leather and textiles passed down through generations, we embrace a slow-fashion philosophy. Our collections honor the cycle of life, transforming what might be discarded into heirloom pieces that tell a story. By choosing Esnaf, you’re investing in timeless designs that respect the planet and celebrate thoughtful consumption.

We believe in creating accessories that transcend fleeting trends. Esnaf pieces are designed to be kept, worn, and treasured for years—true heirlooms that hold sentimental and artistic value.

Our designs never go out of style, blending tradition and modernity to create timeless beauty. In every stitch, we strive to honor the past while making a lasting impact on the future.

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Fields of Time: A Celebration of Craftsmanship and Heritage

The unveiling of the Fields of Time collection marked a significant milestone for Esnaf, presenting [...]

Fields of Time: A Journey Through Craft and Heritage

"Discover Fields of Time by Esnaf—a collection of handmade, sustainable accessories inspired by the resilience [...]

Karlo Pedroni – the quilling maestro redefining art in Macedonia

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Welcome to Ready, Steady, Shop!

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Esnaf at Fashion week

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Maria and The Countryside

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Thank you EYS Magazine

Огромна чест за мене е поддршката од Јасмина Сидеровски која минатата година направи интервју за [...]

Happy clients

Happiness is when satisfied customers return to Esnaf again ❤️ . Inner and outer beauty [...]