The estimated delivery time, according to Macedonian post is 2-3 weeks within Europe, 3+ weeks to other international destinations, and may take longer time in busy holiday seasons or due to custom delay.
Buyers are responsible for all customs, duty and tax charges for their home country.
Expedited shipping
We offer expedited shipping options through DHL. All expedited shipping requests will be processed the same day, if the order is placed before 12 p.m.GMT+1. All orders placed after 12 p.m. PT, on weekends or Macedonian nationally observed holidays will be processed the following business day. If you need assistance with an expedited shipping request, please contact us +389 70 801 661 or
Prices, customs and fees
Depending on your region, additional customs charges, fees, or taxes may be due upon delivery. Customers are responsible for these fees and that they are not included at checkout at this time.
Please note all prices are listed in MKD, and you will be charged in MKD. For an approximate estimation, please review the current exchange rate for your currency.